
Best Liposuction in Islamabad

  Procedure Of Liposuction: Before starting the Liposuction, the surgeon marks lines on the area to be treated. After that, local anesthesia is injected into the treatment area. Local anesthesia is used to remove fat from a small site; otherwise, general anesthesia is used. After numbing the area, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted by doing small incisions on the skin, then our surgeon will make controlled motions with the cannula to dissolve the fat. After that, the fat is sucked out with a syringe or vacuum pump. Then the surgeons will seal the incisions with stitches. After that, a healing cream is also applied to boost the  recovery process. Techniques Of Liposuction: There are different liposuction techniques used based on your desired results. Given below are some methods which our surgeons use in Islamabad for Liposuction. Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL) This technique is used for body contouring. During this procedure, a cannula is used, which breaks the fat cells withou

Procedure Of Liposuction

 Before starting the Liposuction, the surgeon marks lines on the area to be treated. After that, local anaesthesia is injected into the treatment area.  Local anaesthesia  is used to remove fat from a small site; otherwise, general anaesthesia is used. After numbing the area, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted by doing small incisions on the skin, then our surgeon will make controlled motions with the cannula to dissolve the fat. After that, the fat is sucked out with a syringe or vacuum pump. Then the surgeons will seal the incisions with stitches. After that, a healing cream is also applied to boost the  recovery process.